Wheat bread is the Source of Fiber

Public awareness of healthy lifestyles also affect the choice of foods diasup, one of them on the type of bread. Bread wheat recently been chosen by those who wish to maintain health.

"Compared with white bread, wheat bread does contain fewer carbohydrates, but rich in fiber," said Hastie Fardianty, Marketing Manager of PT Nippon Indosari herein, which produces brands Sari Roti bread with this.

He said that while bread wheat market in Indonesia is still small, in recent years recorded good growth. "So far, fans of bread wheat is an established adult or those who are concerned with health, such as diabetics," he explained, which met on the sidelines of the press conference breakfast program Double Power Blue Band and Sari Roti in Jakarta (10 / 5 / 2011).

Wheat bread made ​​from whole wheat flour is in the process of removing only the outer skin penggilingannya. Besides having a characteristic dark-colored, coarse-textured bread wheat as well. "Bread made ​​from good quality wheat is usually a little heavy," he said.

Fiber contained in whole wheat bread has been proven to give good benefit on blood pressure. In addition, high in fiber also causes carbohydrates in bread wheat longer digest the body so that the stomach feel full longer and do not quickly raise blood sugar.

Hastie suggested that wheat bread should not be eaten with jam. "You can add butter or milk is consumed directly by nonlemak," he said.

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