Twitter Acquisition TweetDeck?

The news that was widely mentioned that Twitter will be acquired TweetDeck seems true. Maker's most popular Twitter client applications that have been purchased Twitter reportedly worth more than $ 40 million in cash and stock.

The agreement between Twitter and the web has just inaugurated yesterday. However, Twitter itself has not provided information related to this acquisition. Quoted from CNN, on Tuesday (24/05/2011), while the opening statement of this acquisition comes from the internal one person who refused to reveal his identity.

"For anyone who wants to know, we're not going to comment on this,"read the posted tweets Twitter PR. Meanwhile, Betaworks, the main investor in the web, nor can diubungi for comment.

Web, based in London, England and only has 15 employees was being targeted by many companies. Previously, the owner Ubermedia Ubersocial applications, so-called bid web for USD 30 million. But it is said, trying to trip him by thrusting Twitter higher price than Ubermedia ie, USD 50 Million.

Efforts Twitter is reportedly also to inhibit the rate Ubermedia in the same realm with him. Moreover, Ubermedia been known to have API, via web and considered to be potentially beat Twidroyd Twitter.

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