Tips For Being Successful insurance agents

Women are entitled to equal opportunity to develop her potential, including contributing economically to himself and his family. Absolute economic independence of women as a form of self-empowerment. Options to be more economically independent, is now open to members of the Moslem organization Nahdlatul Ulama (MNU). Women can also be empowered, trained in entrepreneurship skills, to become an insurance agent.

The insurance company, PT Avrist Assurance (Avrist) took exclusive MNU to encourage its members to be independent wirausahawati, as an insurance agent. Cooperation was inaugurated on June 30, 2010. For its realization, and MNU Avrist inaugurate the opening of a Representative Office Services (KPP) Avrist - MNU on May 5, 2011 and then in the Hotel Satelit Surabaya. Masruroh Hj Wahid, as Chairman of the East Java Regional Board MNU were present to encourage women to entrepreneurship through this scheme.

In view of Avrist and MNU, the insurance agent of choice for women to entrepreneurship. Women can step to empower themselves, and become more productive individuals who support the family economy. MNU network owned by engaging actively in various fields such as health care, education, social and economic development, supporting the new role of its members as an insurance agent. MNU is a mass organization consisting of women from Nahdliyin-based, social and religious who have had approximately 12 million members in Indonesia.

Sharia-compliant insurance products, in the future, a new source of income for these women. Their ability to convince customers for insurance, became an important capital, in cultivating the entrepreneurial spirit that never gave up. Because the cooperation that built these two institutions as well as aiming to increase public awareness of the importance of insurance in East Java.

Cooperation among these institutions paved the way for women to entrepreneurship. Individual success in running the insurance business, returning to her own self. It is therefore important for women to instill confidence, and understanding that the weaker sex should also be independent to promote family life. Encouragement is what is also conveyed Avrist and MNU through seminars with the theme "Synergies Avrist and Muslimat NU for Women Empowerment of Indonesia" which was attended by dozens of women in the same opportunity.

"This activity is expected in providing a positive contribution in developing the empowerment of women," said Harry H Diah, President Director Avrist, in a press release. Synergy of these two institutions in developing entrepreneurship for women, is expected to contribute towards the target Avrist to reach the number of insurance agents to 10,000 by 2014, the number of agents now in Indonesia 3500

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