This time, Sandra must wake up early on not to go back to school. Girls home Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung is now a new event that should be jockey, Derings who live on the TV screen Trans start at 07.30 WIB.
Derings program is the concept of situation comedy. This event provides a radio station in the atmosphere combined with a video clip playback or look directly from the musicians who are "tembang" hits. To nurture this event accompanied Sandra Dewi Ringgo Agus Rahman and Baim. They will present the latest info, info about the artist and musician.

In addition Derings who attend every day Monday-Friday, Hots from Trans TV event that began running Monday (2 / 2) this is Realigi (every Monday at 20:00 WIB), Reportase Afternoon (Monday-Friday at 12.00 WIB), and Topsert (Monday -Friday at 15.30 WIB)
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