Sandra reminded, for women never to control the vehicle while the face make up. Or at the wheel while menelefon. "It can cause accidents," he said. Sandra own claim to use the services more often a driver. But, on holidays, Sandra tried to bring the car itself. "If the holidays, the road is quite quiet. I have come to a st
andstill, "he said.

Sandra said, before a driving license (SIM) himself had twice iktu test. Twice he also failed. However, the birth of girls Pangkal Pinang is not a broken spirit, to get her driver's license still follow through with the test procedure. Finally, Sandra obtain from SIM Polda Metro Jaya ujia after following the theory and practice. (Mun/A-147) ***
Source : pikiran-rakyat.com, Original pic from sandradewi.seleb.tv
Source : pikiran-rakyat.com, Original pic from sandradewi.seleb.tv
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