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Video nya:
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The rise of issue of abduction of children apparently did not make the artist and presenter Andhara Early panicked. The mother of this Ignaletar Maghali supervision of the child was handed over to the house.

"Yes we do not want to be too overprotective. Afraid if too parno'll reduce the incidence. So ordinary middling aja and keep. Noting course of environmental surroundings. With it can minimize the kidnapping. It could also entrust to the nearest person," Early said when met at Bellanova Country Mall, Sentul, Bogor, West Java, Saturday (29 / 8) night

Early was entrusted to the aunt and also assistants. In fact, some abductions are done by someone close.

"To the house aja. To the grandmother, aunt, there is a maid, too. And about the maid I would rather believe it. Prevention is still there. But to return to the relationship between individuals only. Yes I believe in it," he said.

Then, what about the attitude of the boyfriend of the child's Early? "It must have a sense of belonging," said Early. There are intentions to buy clothes for Maghali Lebaran? "Yes we'll see, let me wonder, if Allah wills. Later his son collecting," says Boggie.

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Download CPNS 2010 about this is the latest update of who has been given some time ago the collection of Questions and Answer Key Test CPNS. CPNS questions are always needed as a preparation for the selection of CPNS test. Download link available below with the following material

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Here is collection of Questions and Answer Key Test CPNS (candidate for Civil Servants), either the test district-level civil servant or the National Government and accompanied by answer keys and its discussion, that you can download for free. Hopefully you can help the civil servant who intends to take the test so that the opportunity to become more open civil servant.

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Teknik Submit Artikel Ke Social Bookmark | CARA SUBMIT POSTINGAN KE SERP

What do you expect when submit articles to social bookmarking? So far as I know is the traffic and free backlinks. For the first point that my traffic is not so hopeful, because it is quite difficult and necessary pillar articles (good) to get many votes from other users. I therefore tend to need more SEO blog using Social Bookmarks as a link building alone, the DoFollow social bookmarking course.

Well this time I will explain how to submit technical articles to Social Bookmarks good SEO value generated so much good. This technique actually looks trivial but important for those who want to optimize your keywords on search engines.

Most of us are to submit an article when the article we just post on the blog, frankly is not good way because our writing could be considered duplicate content. For example, we submit an article we just posted to, then see the result on google of course there is an article on Digg a better position than our own blogs, sometimes even our own article that has not even indexed. Masalahnyaa obvious speed index to digg blog better than us, just check it that digg has a PageRank 8 whereas our blog? Now therefore give time to the search engines to index the new articles, about a day or two depending on how you set the schedule of visits crawder search engine. Afterwards, you submit the article and your article will be a strong result in the SERP.


Alexa existence as a benchmark current popularity of blogs is a bit more precedence than PageRank, because why have a high PageRank but poor visitors, right? and in fact proved to be the ground that many casual blog pagerank but have a good Alexa stats, at least that's what I observe.

But lately I am somewhat puzzled by the determination Alexa rank statistics. For example, when compared to my blog with this blog wah my blog certainly lose much in terms of visitors per day, but you try to compare alexanya obvious that my blog got a rather good alexa. Happy? frankly yes, but if not awkward, not least its benchmark is the number of visitors?

My initial conclusion that now is not just alexa based at least a lot of visitors but also how the blog has a post that is sustainable. That's just my analysis of whether or not the tablets and I did not know. But on this blog are my to post every day, although postingan2nya whose names are still far from qualified. Maybe there are friends who want to add or know how to quickly improve the Alexa rank can share here, never share your loss mate.


Until now adsense is still the mainstay of bloggers in monetizing blogs. The reason is logical, adsense not complicated. With capitalize blog blogspot free like we can even install it. Hence a lot of bloggers are so desperate adsense publishers. Was that easy? no proof of course many bloggers who until now did not transparent aprove selection alias ga in his blog.

Can you consider the following trick when going to register to Google Adsense blog so that your application will be accepted. Some may have much to discuss, but I hope you read it before anyone knew there was a difference. This trick I have my blog praktekan and the result is received, but I can not guarantee 100% tablets of this character still chancy.

1.Buatlah blog at and use the templates that do not is too little good standard. Now it's just a lot of choices appropriate search box with your blog theme.

2. Decorate the blog to add the necessary widget widget-like Recent posts, recent comments, related post, subscribe feedburner and other forms. mean that your blog looks professional and serious about the monetization.

3. Make posts with a minimum of 10 posts in English only, if you can not kopas deh because previously I had a list of articles copas posting pake directory and duplicate content is rejected, the reasons supporting your Adsense word.

4. Apply a little trick to SEO your blog indexed and got tons. To learn a little SEO trick you can read my post about SEO Training For Beginners

5. After the above steps it is time to register your blog. Perhaps here is somewhat different, the way he just go to your blog dashboard so there going to be on the menus such as Layout, Setting, New Entry and Menu Uangkan. Now click on the menu is UANGKAN and only then go into adsensennya by clicking on the Google AdSense Program Policies lalau Sign Up, please fill out the provided form and Submit. Now we just pray while awaiting confirmation of whether your blog in adsense aprove or kicked, hehe .. Good luck and good luck deh.

Tips cara menaikkan pagerank secara cepat | Trik meningkatkan PR Blog

Pagerank is a value assigned to measure the importance of a web / blog in the eyes of google. The bigger pagerank then google will bring up the blog on the first page of search results. PageRank calculations ranged from 0-10 digits, the more medekati pagerank 10 the better. alexa rank different mudur count. Actually there is no clear info about how to increase PageRank, it is still limited to the analysis and experience from other bloggers, but at least a few little tips can help increase our pagerank.

1. Blog updates
Rutinlah update the blog with interesting content because google also see keaktivan sautu blog and love which is always updated blog, do not let a whole month not a single item

2. Blogwalking and leave a comment
When visiting other blogs, be friendly with bloggers who left a trail of comments. besides establishing a good relationship between fellow blogger, comments can also be calculated backlinks and simplify ensnare visitors to our blog.

3. Managing inbond links and outbound links
Meant inbond is another blog link, which nge link into your blog. While the outbound link is a blog when we give backlinks to other blogs. Do not let this blog between inbond and outbound outbound links bigger. If that happens, then what will happen to your blog is likely to remain at the previous PageRank, or longer if you are unlucky page rank will drop. But it would be otherwise if inbond your link is bigger than your outbound links. So stay up just waiting for your homework.

4. Submit to the directory search engine, directory and blog articles directory
Submit your blog to these sites have search engines, Please feel free to mensubmitnya on google. Or if it is less freewebsubmission I used to use the service. With one click you can register your blog to multiple services Search engines and other directory sites, for free!

5. The connection of Post (inlink Post)
If you look at almost every post I am definitely a lot to spread the link in the post. Normally I slipped the postings previous article, in the hope that visitors to read back my old posts. So the article can still be visited and can improve the content popularity because of frequent visits. The goal of increasing the number of blog url to google index.

Ayo Mengenal Situs PPC Lokal | Daftar PPC lokal Indonesia Papan Atas

Make it you who google adsense until now has not been in ga also have to approve nangisnangih, there are many other PPC programs ko we can follow, yes even though its pay-per-click is still far away when compared to google adsense. But rather supplement tablets for adding jajangelakguling.

aja PPC programs continue what we could use to pay for gantiin cafes? Actually a lot of money, but this time I will only discuss the local PPC only.

1. AdsenseCamp
Often mentioned google Adsense Indonesia. um, maybe because it looks very similar to google adsense. we as publishers will be paid Rp.300 if there is any blog visitors who click their ads, and earning a minimum we should reach USD. 10 500, the new can be transferred. Cool right? Dance we just need to promote our blogs, so many visitors. more and more visitors on our blog gets bigger then our advertising opportunities click. If you are interested in following the above AdsenseCamp please click adsensecam

2. Kumpulblogger
PPC is a community shaped Indonesian bloggers or bloggers network incorporated into one and aims to obtain alternative additional income by providing them with spot / room on his blog as a place to deliver commercial messages from the Advertiser. Advertise through Network tantamount to advertise through a blog. Continues, how kumpulblogger pay us?

* Every first time Click worth: Rp.300, -, fairly khan 100 clicks per day if it means we have an income cuma2 approximately 30,000, - per day!

* To Link Referral: if bloggers sign up through our referral, so every time a blog visitor clicks from referrals, we will get 25 Rupiah. Refferal only valid for level one course. Just imagine if there are 100 referrals, and there masing2 100 ad clicks per day, meaning we earn referral X 100 X 100 click 25rupiah = Rp.250.000, - / day

PPC sites this one is slightly different with the two brothers diatasfikir, the difference is paid per click on each blog is different. What are the benchmarks the difference? Alexa ranking the answer, a blog that has a Alexa ranking in the top one million blogs are ranked alexanya under one million, it will be different earnings per kliknya. Ngomong2 Alexa rank of this blog how yasoal. If the size of the problem, please search gelakguling tau aja, Oya we just could menikamati our results when earnings have reached $ 10 dollars or approximately Rp. 92 000

4. TinggalKlik
PPC is similar to the PPC as kumpulblogger, etc. AdsenseCamp. only here there is an additional form of advertising referrals. Referral ads that mean if there are visitors who click on ads referral and then make the transaction profiles on the advertising, then we would be paid

5. Click I
If PPC is to temporarily give up .. because to this PPC follow the conditions are quite heavy we had to have a blog that has 310 page views per day or per month minimum 10 000 page views (ga ya can nyampe that much). so why kamum whose blogs are still new (I like blogs sayagelakguling), hold deh go make this PPC, klo dah blog already famous and meet the requirements, then try this Atu.
The advantage of this PPC is that we can determine advertising rates per kliknya own, want to USD. 500, not USD. 600 per kliknya, we arbitrarily pokonya free. origin advertiser (advertiser), it agrees, ywdh deh pairs of ads.

6. Adspedy
For you who have not dared to list list sayaihikhik click, PPC is the alternative. How it works just like the PPC Click me, only here there are a prerequisite ga .. although we are still a new blog, we can follow this PPC.
Here we can put their own advertising rates per kliknya Click I also like.
So for you who can not pake Click I, pretentious atuh join in Adspeedy aja

Tips ampuh Mempercepat Koneksi Internet di Warnet

What do you want when accessing the internet, fast connection is not it? Well this time I will give tips on how to cope with the internet connection lelet abis. But it should be noted, that this trick applies to you accessing the internet in the cafe and use Mozilla Firefox as browsers. the goal is to speed up internet connection on our computers suck up bandwidth with other computers in a cybercafe. So our internet connections become faster and the other was a little slow.
Feline yah? But okay, if warnetnya rame everything slow so they're also going nyadar ga.

If you want ngikutin this cunning trick, here's how to speed up internet connection in the cafe:

1. Mozzila typed in the address bar about: config and then will be seen that a lot of writing

2. fasilitan use ctrl + f to search for words, said that the search is as follows and the fox

* Network.http.pipelining; False <- click two times to change "False" to "True" * Network.http.pipelining.maxrequests; 4 <- click two times, change "four" to "30" * Network.http.proxy.pipelining; False <- click two times to change "False" to "True" 3. Then right click in the blank / white continue to choose new and then continue to the first column input integer nglayout.initialpaint.delay then press enter one time and input the number 0 and press enter again. 4. re restart mozzila firefoxnya 5. Happy surfing ria quickly, because the bandwidth will be sucked into your computer, this is the was tips to speed internet connection in the cafe.

Cara Mudah Mendaftarkan Blog Ke FeedBurner |Tips agar pengunjung UV blog ramai

Before we sign up to the FeedBurner blog we have to understand first what is RSS feeds. Feed is a way to register with Google Webmaster Tools because crawder Bot, Google's robots from indexing your site / blog feeds as an intermediary needs. RSS feeds are also useful for those of you who senag collect articles from your favorite websites without having to visit the Web. RSS not only provides benefits for readers, but also for the owner of the website or blog. By registering the URL to the RSS Feed blog will open up opportunities for our blog to be more easily found by internet users.

FeedBurner is a web site service provider to RSS ("Really Simple Syndication") feeds of the most trusted today. And its existence has now been acquired by Google. Then how do we register the blog to FeedBurner? Just follow the steps below:

* Without the basic sliding please stale
* Click on the register on the top menu
* Fill in all provided fom
* If everything is complete, click sign up.
* Will appear welcome greeting from FeedBurner
* Fill the box that appears under the heading Burn a feed right this instant with the URL of your blog. Example:
* Tick on the radio button you want, and click Next
* Change the Title Feed with Feed Address if you want the change, if already just click the Active button Feed
* Will appear conrats greeting, and then click Next
* Check the box next to Clickthroughs and I wont post more! Also PRO FeedBurner stats have tracks
* Click the Next button
* Click the Optimize tab
* Please set according to a pal wanted, but the most important is that we must turn the feature SmartFeed function of the feed so we can be compatible with various feeds.
* Please click SmartFeed then click Active tombil
* Click on the tab Publize, please select the desired feature, but I recommend choosing FeedCount feature, click FeedCount
* Choose a style from FeedCount, the usual or the animation, click the radio beside the existing asbuton
* Click the Active button
* Copy the HTML code provided in the text area, paste into notepad for later posted on the blog
* Click the Chicklet Chooser to select various banner or chicklet
* Tick on the radio button located on each side chicklet, then copy the HTML code that is given in the text area, and then paste it in notepad. note: every buddy mark on their respective radio button chicklet, automatically the HTML code that is in part bawahpun will change, so the conclusion put a radio button then copy the HTML code his mark again then copy the code again.
* Click Pingshot, check the box next to Ping-o-matic as well as Newsgator, click drpdown existing menu, and select a buddy want, click the Add button, click the menu again dropdownnya if you want to add more, click Add again
* Click the Active button
* Click the Headline Animator for the animated banners
* Click on the dropdown menu under the heading Theme, select a buddy like (the most popular is the classic type)
* Click the Active button
* Click on the dropdown menu in addition to writing Add to, select a Blogger Blog
* Click the Next button
* After a pop-up window, click the Add to Blogger
* Please Sign in first to blogger
* Select a blog that would set an animated banner, then click the Add Widget button, automatically animated banner will be added (especially for new templet)
* Done.

Note: If the position of widgets is not according to what you want, can use the manual way by taking the script by selecting the other (just gimme the code) in the dropdown menu above.

Described above are just a few of the facilities provided by FeedBurner. For other facilities such Monetize, Troubleshotize etc, my friend could try it one by one.

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NB: Jika anda suka artikel ini, silakan share ke teman FACEBOOK anda. Cukup dengan meng-KLIK link ini !. Terimakasih.

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          Memang tak bisa kita pungkiri , untuk membuat suatu dokument menjadi lebih ringkas padat dan hemat yaitu dengan cara mengkonvert suatu dokument menjadi format pd dan kadang kadang sobat punt membutuhkan suatu file-file gambar dari suatu dokumen pdfnya, tapi kita tidak dengan mudah begitu saja bisa mengambil gambar dari dokumen pdf tersebut, Untuk itu Agar bisa merubah dari pdf ke format gambar diantaranya ;.bmp, .emf, .wmf, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff, dan .pcx. , diperlukan software, namanya “AP PDF to Image Converter”.AP PDF to Image mampu merubah file pdf ke dalam Images Document dengan gabungan teks, gambar, graphic, dan lain-lain seperti file pdf aslinya. Program ini juga tidak memerlukan program tambahan seperti Adobe Reader. Jadi walaupun di komputer sobat tidak terinstall Adobe Reader program ini bisa melakukan konversi langsung ke format images.
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NB: Jika anda suka artikel ini, silakan share ke teman FACEBOOK anda. Cukup dengan meng-KLIK link ini !. Terimakasih.

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