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Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Saat Bekerja Di Depan Komputer

Sudah tidak asing lagi untuk para pebisnis internet dengan bekerja berlama-lama di depan komputer / laptop. 

Menjaga kesehatan selama anda bekerja di depan komputer sangatlah penting, jangan sampai gara-gara anda bekerja di depan komputer malah mengganggu kesehatan anda. 

Berbagai macam penyakit yang bisa di timbulkan jika anda mengabaikan pentingnya hal ini :

1. Sakit punggung
Hampir semua orang yang menggunakan komputer setiap hari selama berjam-jam pernah mengalami sakit punggung. Posisi duduk membuat beban yang cukup besar pada tulang pungggung Anda. Jadi, jika Anda duduk berjam-jam dan jarang berjalan atau berdiri risiko sakit mengalami sakit punggung sangat besar. Postur tubuh yang benar adalah salah satu kunci untuk mencegah sakit punggung. Idealnya bahu mengarah ke belakang dan kepala lurus ke depan. Jangan duduk membungkuk dan berjalanlah setiap dua jam untuk menghindari sakit punggung.

2. Gangguan mata
Berjam-jam di depan komputer bisa membuat mata kering, stres dan iritasi. Radiasi dari monitor juga bisa membuat penglihatan mengalami gangguan. Untuk itu, pastikan monitor komputer Anda dilengkapi dengan pelindung radiasi. Atur juga warna monitor agar tidak membuat mata tegang. Pastikan pencahayaan baik, sehingga mata merasa nyaman. Kedipkan mata sesering mungkin agar bola mata terlubrikasi dan terhindar dari mata kering.

3. Nyeri tangan
Banyak yang mengkhawatirkan komputer bisa memicu carpal tunnel syndrome, tetapi peneliti dari Harvard Medical School membantahnya beberapa tahun lalu. Walaupun begitu, penggunaan keyboard dan mouse dalam waktu lama bisa menyebabkan kesemutan, nyeri hingga mati rasa. Untuk menghindarinya, pastikan posisi keyboard dan mouse benar.

Dan masih ada lagi ...

==>  Berikut adalah beberapa tips sehat untuk anda yang bekerja menggunakan banyak waktu di depan komputer :

1. Setting  meja dan kursi kerja anda agar lebih  ergonomis. Pastikan Anda memiliki kursi yang nyaman dan mendukung bahwa anda diposisikan dengan baik untuk mengetik. Jangan meletakkan printer  atau perangkat keras yang sering anda gunakan terlalu jauh. Perhatikan juga jarak monitor anda.

2. Perhatikan sirkulasi udara ruangan kerja anda. Buatlah senyaman mungkin. Dengan sirkulasi udara yang baik anda akan di buat jauh lebih konsentrasi.

3. Jangan sekali kali makan atau minum diatas meja kerja anda. Ini dapat membahayakan komputer atau laptop anda.  Bila terdapat makanan yang tumpah akan menyebabkan tumbuhnya bakteri di atas meja kerja anda. Jelas mengganggu bukan?

4. Bersihkan mouse,  keyboard dan perangkat lainnya secara berkala. Bersihkan perangkat tersebut agar jauh dari debu dan bakteri.

5. Istirahatlah sejenak. Jika anda merasa cukup lelah ada baiknya istirhatlah sejenak. Dengan istirahat diharapkan tenaga akan pulih kembali dan lakukan gerakan–gerakan ringan untuk merenggangkan kepenatan.

6. Rileks sejenak. Bila komputer anda tersambung dengan internet cobalah buka website favorit anda pada saat istirahat. Atau sekedar mencari tips-tips sehat, bisa juga mencari resep makanan favorit anda.

7. Buat sebaik mungkin rencana kerja anda pada hari yang bersangkutan. Bisa juga untuk beberapa hari selanjutnya.

8. Bila sudah terlalu penat sebaiknya tunda pekerjaan anda dan istirahatlah. Bila di teruskan akan menggangu konsentrasi pekerjaan anda.

9. Bekerjalah Dalam Ruangan Yang Cukup Cahaya.
Perhatikan pencahayaan dalam ruang kerja anda, Jangan bekerja dalam ruangan yang terlalu terang dan menyilaukan mata. Gunakan kerai untuk mengatur cahaya dari jendela. Letakkan lampu di atas kepala. Hindari anda menatap cahayanya secara langsung. Sebaliknya, jangan pula bekerja dalam ruangan yang terlalu gelap atau redup. Usahakan agar ruangan anda cukup terang agar mata anda tidak bekerja terlalu keras.

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NB: Jika anda suka artikel ini, silakan share ke teman - teman anda, gunakan tombol di bawah ini =

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Handphone Samsung Epic 4G Mobile

Although not much different from the previous information circulating on the Internet. However, information obtained from Androidandme via Ubergizmo reportedly can be verified. Because Androidandme admitted if they obtained the information from one reliable source.

According to sources, Samsung Epic 4G will be available in the U.S. market via Sprint in the near future it will reportedly powered by Cortex A8 Hummingbird 1GHz processor, 1GB of ROM, 512MB RAM, 4-inch screen AMOLED with features Super Pinch-to-Zoom, Qwerty keyboard slide-out, Dual Camera (VGA Front, Rear 5MP) with LED flash, 3X Digital Zoom, video recorder HD (720p), Google Full HTML Browser, Android Market, Google Search, Google Maps, Google Talk, Google Calendar, Gmail, YouTube, IM, WiFi b / g / n, Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR and A2DP Stereo, Digital Compass, GPS, microSD memory card slot (up to 32GB), as well as Android-based operating system that will eclair 2.1 can be upgraded to version 2.2 Froyo.

Not only that, reportedly Samsung Epic 4G clearly supports 4G facility, that will also be used to download or upload as they pleased.

In addition, Samsung's latest telecommunication devices equipped with AllShare service that can also be used to share content wirelessly to the electronic device that has been certified DLNA, such as HDTVs, monitors, digital cameras and printers.

And also Samsung Epic 4G has been equipped with facilities Mobile Hotspot. The facility can be used to share Internet connection with five devices at once via WiFi.

For those who want to see more detail specification Samsung Epic 4G, you can see it directly here.

So far, have not found information about the offered price for Samsung's latest smartphone 4G. So not sure what the official price will be offered Samsung Epic 4G. However, if the note from the specifications on offer, the Samsung Epic 4G will enter the high-end line of phones

Latest Smartphone 4G Samsung, called Epic 4G indeed been officially announced on June 28 last. But then, the Samsung did not give much information about the specifications will be offered. However, this information is successfully obtained more details about the specifications of the Samsung Epic 4G.

Nokia 5250 Mobile Phone Series

Nokia 5250 is not yet officially launched by Nokia, but this phone appears on the list of phones on Ovi Store. If the image is carefully viewed the Nokia 5250 has a touch screen and the possibility of this phone uses the Symbian S60 5th Edition.

Nokia 5250 launched in November 2009 months ago, now it seems that Nokia will launch its successor the Nokia 5230.

And it appears that Nokia introduced the Nokia 5250 is going on this week as well.

Handphone BlackBerry Pearl 3G 9105 Series

BlackBerry Pearl series BlackBerry devices is one that has a standard candybar form factor. BlackBerry Pearl 3G brings updates by presenting features 3G and Wi-Fi, GPS, 3.2 megapixel camera, with the external memory up to 32GB on a microSD card. And weighs only 93 grams only.

BlackBerry Pearl 3G coming soon this August, according to RIM Press Release Asia, this version will be available in red color gradient with the type 9105. Blackbery 9105 is a BlackBerry Pearl 3G mobile phone using the T9 input and not by using SureType. Until now we have not received information on the selling price of the BlackBerry Pearl 3G

Handphone Nokia N8 Mobile

Nokia hopes, N8 able to provide competitive against their competitors and be able to lift back to Nokia which is like drowning in the middle of the smart phone market competition, although until now Nokia still leads the

Nokia announced that sales N8 until September. Nokia N8 is the first Nokia smart phones based on Symbian ^ 3 with various features, such as 12 megapixel camera, 3.5-inch screen capable of performing the touchscreen, and a powerful 680MHz processor.

In addition, the material used aluminum casing, making lightweight N8. Meanwhile, an HDMI port and also provided support for the format DivX / XviD for video player features.

Previously, as reported by GSMArena, quoted by CBN, Nokia announced that Nokia N8 will be officially released to the market on August 24 this year, however, these devices, according to Nokia needs a few touches, so the release postponed to late September.

Motorola EX300 Mobile Phone

Motorola EX300 can operate in dual-band WCDMA 900/2100 MHz, a tri-band GSM / GPRS / EDGE 900/1800/1900 MHz. Motorola EX300 with dimensions 106 × 56.8 × 14 mm will be available in Hong Kong at the price of HK $ 1,280 (about U.S. $ 165) and in Taiwan with a price of NT $ 6,680 (about U.S.

Motorola has launched its new touch screen mobile phone with Brew MP operating system and integrated with Google Maps in Hong Kong and Taiwan, which is named Motorola EX300. Motorola EX300 comes with using a 2.8-inch TFT touch screen (240 × 320 pixels), GPS, 2 MP camera, VGA front camera for video calls, Wi-Fi/WAPI, microSD card slot, processor Qualcomm QSC 6270 and 1150 mAh battery powered can be used for 200-500 minutes to talk, and 400 hours standby.

Spesification Windows Phone 7 - WP7

One platform that is confirmed to release this year and is much awaited by the latest generation platforms of Microsoft, namely Windows phone 7 (WP7). Operating system from Microsoft that is intended for mobile devices, including smartphones is certainly ready for action this year. This was revealed by accident by Kevin Turner, Microsoft COO.

According to Turner, Windows Phone 7 will be available in October 2010 for the European region, while the USA will follow in November. In addition, several large vendors have also expressed interest to adopt the latest platforms from Microsoft, such as Samsung and HTC.

Samsung has introduced a hero of their new phone that uses Windows 7 and ready to be shipped at the end of this year. Meanwhile, Windows Phone 7 was first introduced by Microsoft at Mobile World Congress 2010 event in Barcelona, Spain.

Samsung Galaxy U Series Handphone

So far still has not received information about price and availability of Samsung Galaxy U on the market. Therefore, can not be ascertained when Samsung will launch the Galaxy U. For more details, we just have to

South Korean mobile phone manufacturer, Samsung apparently is preparing a new telecommunications device that is better than the output of rivals mobile-phone. Samsung Galaxy U (SHW-M130L), that's the term for the latest smartphone from Samsung as well as a new member in the family of Samsung Galaxy.

As the information is quoted from Samsunghub, Samsung Galaxy U S5PC111 1GHz processor, 3.7-inch screen 16M AMOLED Plus (480 x 800 pixels), 5MP camera with autofocus, video recorder HD (720p), WiFi b / g / n, Bluetooth 3.0, T-DMB, supports a network of J-CDMA + CDMA Rev. A, MP3/MP4 Player, OZ Store, Kyobo e-Book, Daum Maps, AllShare, Live Wallpapers, Access To Google Services, microSD memory card slot (up to 32GB), as well as with the base operating system Android.

But not yet clear, the Android version of how that will be offered by Samsung for Samsung Galaxy U. Does Android v2.2 will be offered with Froyo or only offered with the Android operating system v2.1 eclair.

Handphone Series Nokia X3-02 Candybar

Even Nokia X3-02 Candybar will also use the brand Comes With Music is converted into Ovi Music Unlimited. So fair, if Nokia's latest mobile phone call as a music-oriented phone.

Launching the latest candybar phone Nokia X3-02 which is the series Nokia X3 generation turned out faster than an estimated. Recently Nokia has announced the availability of the Nokia X3-02 Candybar through Nokia's official website

In the announcement, Nokia is expressly mentioned that Nokia X3-02 Candybar or known by the name of Nokia X3 Touch and Type has been officially launched and will be available on the market in the near future.

To be sure, in the near future Nokia X3 Touch and Type will be available to the market of China, Ireland, England, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Germany, Spain, Portugal, France, Mexico, Saudi, and Yemeni.

For specifications, just like the news some time ago. Ranging from 2.4-inch QVGA touchscreen display (240 x 320 pixels), 5MP camera with a fixed-focus, FM Radio, WiFi, 3G support, 16GB of internal memory slot, microSD memory card slot, and the S40 operating system with a more familiar system .

While prices Nokia X3-02 Candybar is 125 Euros or about 161 dollars before discount by the carrier.

HP Nokia N9 Meego Mobile Phone

Despite still master of the mobile market, but from the side of the Nokia smart phones experiencing turbulence after the presence of Android and the iPhone. Although up to now which is identical to the Symbian OS Nokia, still dominate the market in the first position.

A site from China, Baidu said it had a photo of a new series phones from Nokia, the N9. Nokia explained that Nokia N9 will be the first handset using the base Maemo operating system. This operating system is the work of Maemo the last one used by N900.

As news of TG Daily that is visible through the image, Nokia N9 Maemo use the candy bar with a sliding qwerty, still one version of what is used by the N900. However, no detailed explanation about the detailed specification of this Nokia N9 Maemo.

From the design side, N9 it seems comes with a gray color that seem conventional. Even if at first glance, N9 very similar to the Nokia N97.

Until recently, there has been no explanation from the parties regarding the circulation of the Nokia mobile phone photos Nokia N9 spread in China sites. But Nokia preparing to bring the handset with the base OS Linux, to compete with Android. In addition to spreading on the site, these photos have also been there in the forums that use China language.

Mobile Phone BlackBerry Bold R020

BlackBerry Bold R020 has twice the memory of the Bold 9700. R020 using BlackBerry OS 6 that has internet connection capabilities better than ever. In addition, Bold R020 can also run applications from memory card, so it is more flexible than Bold 9700 edition

Some time ago have been found leaked presentation product called the BlackBerry Bold R020 by BGR, which has a shape similar to Blackberry 9700, but with better specifications. There are two versions: without a camera and put up with 5 MP camera.

Nokia C1 Series Dual SIM card Mobile Phone

For C1 price certainty can not be known, which would be cheaper than other Nokia phones dual SIM, such as Nokia C2 is priced at $ 39. Nokia C1 mobile phone will be present at the 4th quarter 2010

Nokia, Finland's largest manufacturer of mobile phone reportedly will issue a dual SIM card. Currently Nokia is preparing a GSM ON GSM mobile phone named Nokia C1 has ever been heard in June. However, the new plan can be implemented today.

Later, the first country that will have the opportunity to feel the ability of Nokia Dual SIM cards, this is Nigeria, which is one of the countries in Africa. In Africa, Nokia will launch the Nokia C1 to rival China which is growing in countries classified as such.

With the presence of Nokia in the West African region, C1 would be expected to Nokia phones that can be surpassed and easy to use, and users simply press a button in order to replace another card access.

Advantages of this Nokia C1 has a battery life is longer, which can last up to six weeks in a state of stand-by. This is the longest endurance when compared with other Nokia phone which is only able to survive only two to four days.

Handphone Series Motorola Defy

Motorola Defy is protected with a 3.7-inch glass type of the famous Gorilla strong and scratch resistant. In addition to a strong glass, Motorola Defy also waterproof to a depth of 1 meter for half hour. It seems this phone was for the adventurous or extreme environment of mobile phone users. Motorola Defy casing made very tightly and anti-dust. Dual microphone also been prepared in anticipation of environmental conditions, dirty and crowded

Motorola has released a powerful phone with name Motorola Defy. Mobile phones are for the adventurous, with a powerful ability. Motorola Defy also waterproof to a depth of 1 meter, and also has other attractive features, is expected to be launched around the end of this year in Europe.

Although a strong phone, this phone has a pretty tough specifications. Using the TI OMAP 800Mhz processor, 5-megapixel camera, Motoblur UI and OS 2.1.

Defy rumored to be launched in Europe later this year.

Series Motorola Milestone 2 Handphone

By relying Froyo OS 2.2, Motorola Milestone 2 can play video, flash content or playing games with the flash in browser support for Flash 10. Not enough with the features above, Milestone 2 also seems better than the video camera that can record video with the quality of 720p.

After launching Motorola Droid 2 (American version), Motorola announced the latest series Motorola Milestone 2. From the physical side of this phone is similar to previous series, only a few differences in design and location of the D-Pad to change.

Besides design, Motorola Milestone 2 is also different from the speed, using the OMAP processor 1 Ghz, 512MB RAM, HSDPA 3G support, WiFi 802.11n and the new Android OS 2.2

With 8GB internal memory, the Motorola Milestone has a large memory to install the applications available on Android Market. Milestone 2 also has been equipped with 8GB MicroSD memory type that can be increased to 40GB.

Milestone latest series is also used for 3.7-inch screen with a resolution of 854x480 inches.

By relying Froyo OS 2.2, Motorola Milestone 2 can play video, flash content or playing games with the flash in browser support for Flash 10. Not enough with the features above, Milestone 2 also seems better than the video camera that can record video with the quality of 720p.

Handphone Nokia E7 Series

Regardless of the truth, it is expected that Nokia will provide clearer information about the presence of Nokia E7 at Nokia World 2010 event on 14-15 September.

Nokia E7 have appeared in the UK mobile roadmap that will be present, along with HTC Gold, HTC Ace, and Samsung i8700 Cetus.

However, in its development, many are labeled E7 with the name Nokia N9 (using OS MeeGo) or Nokia N8-001 or also the Nokia N8-002. Nokia did not provide information about this so much going speculation circulating. Nokia E7 is rumored to be using the Symbian operating system ^ 3 the same as with the Nokia N8, has aluminum body and AMOLED touch screen.

Regardless of the truth, it is expected that Nokia will provide clearer information about the presence of Nokia E7 at Nokia World 2010 event on 14-15 September.

BlackBerry Curve 3G 9330 Handphone CDMA

BlackBerry Curve 3G 9330 has specifications similar to the 9300 version but other than using the CDMA EVDO network, the color of the casing of the device body is also different.

Site Boy Genius Report (BGR) recently has been leaking information that the BlackBerry Curve 9330 3G CDMA will be launched on the 16th in the American Verizon network. BlackBerry Curve 3G 9330 is a variant of the BlackBerry Curve cell phone 3G but uses CDMA network, in contrast with the BlackBerry 9300 uses the GSM network

BlackBerry Curve 3G 9330 has specifications similar to the 9300 version but other than using the CDMA EVDO network, the color of the casing of the device body is also different.

Handphone HP Motorola EX115 dan EX128

Motorola EX115 comes with a full QWERTY keyboard support, while the Motorola EX128 is a touch screen mobile phone, and both will be equipped with dual SIM support.

Two of the latest Dual SIM phones from Motorola that Motorola EX115 and EX128 will be available soon in Europe. Two Dual SIM Motorola phones appear on the site Germanos Romania, one mobile phone distributor in Europe and will be available starting October 18, 2010.

Motorola EX115 comes with a full QWERTY keyboard support, while the Motorola EX128 is a touch screen mobile phone, and both will be equipped with dual SIM support.

The price for the Motorola EX115 is 95 Euro and the price for the Motorola EX128 is 120 Euro

HP Qur'an Qwerty Plus

Ramadan is not only full of blessings for Muslims, but also for the telecommunications industry. After hanpir all operators offering value added service solutions and Islamic theme, it still continues longer a myriad of ideas. One of them offered by Tri who took a local mobile phone vendors, PT Raztel Solusindo Telematics in the form of bundling phone.

Special about this phone is offered in Islamic applications. Among other complete Quran (30 volumes and 114 letters), Hadith, Tafseer, translation in the Indonesian language, determining the Qibla direction, and an alarm that will sound when prayer time comes. Tri own SIM card handed Super Tri with a bonus of Rp 30.000, - each mobile unit. Use of this pulse would be given to consumers who want to do the gathering.

Pemaian Raztel itself is new in the local phone industry. However, the company is in addition to developing various mobile phone series, also prepare a variety of content, including those needed by the Muslims. Call it reading hajj and umrah prayers, daily prayers, instructions sunnah prayers, Ramadan sermon, and not behind Islamic wallpapers and ring tones. Raztel even have received permission from the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Raztel phone M850 series itself is sold in the market at Rp 999,000, - this cooperation as well as adding variety to offer Tri cell phone bundling, after CSL (Blueberry), IMO, and several others.

Handphone Sony Ericsson Aspen

Sony Ericsson launched its latest touchscreen QWERTY phones at once named Sony Ericsson Aspen on Wednesday (01/09/2010). The phone is included in the category of green products heart or mobile phone is made with environmentally friendly concepts.

Sony Ericsson Aspen staying digadang environmentally friendly because it uses environmentally friendly materials and energy efficient. One way is by reducing the amount of paper used in packaging.

"The cardboard used is smaller and there is no manual," explains Samudro Seto, Business Manager Sonny Ericsson Indonesia. This phone's manual can be accessed directly in his own cell phone.

In addition, the charger will cut off the electricity used when the phone battery is full. "It reduces power usage when to charge the batteries, the batteries also use the low power consumption," said Seto.

Paint is also used water-based, thereby reducing oil consumption. In Sony Ericsson Aspen ecoMate applications which are useful to inform the ways to save fuel and reduce CO2.

"How far we walk and how much energy we use can be informed by ecoMate applications," said Seto.

Sony Ericsson Aspen Advantages include use of Microsoft's Mobile Windows operating system 6.5.3. In the latest series of Windows have the latest application called My Phone that allows you to synchronize with a computer to view the entire contents of the cell phone via computer.

"Simply enter the serial number to your computer and can see everything, including incoming SMS even if your phone is off," said Seto.

In addition there is also Windows Marketplace application that allows users to download a variety of applications. "Can you download games, entertainment, some free, some of them pay well," said Seto.

Sony Ericsson Aspen provides a new experience to SMS. "The appearance of SMS such as conversation," said Seto. Display SMS looks like the view Blackberry Messenger. In addition there are also applications auto switching panel. Useful to automatically set the panel what he wanted to appear at certain hours.

"If you want to open the panel at 7 CNN, at 12 open up, all can be set up automatically," said Seto again.

This phone comes in 2 choice of colors, iconic black and white silver. The phone is released at a price of USD 2.499 million. "But there promo work with Windows, the price of USD 2.399 million bonus bluetooth handsfree VH310," said Seto. Promo is only applicable month.

Huawei G6620 Music Phone

Step PT Huawei Tech Investment entered directly into the mobile industry do not play games. Huawei officially released the music phone G6620. The launch of this product as well as a first step that Huawei has been engaged in broadband, convergent, and bundle with CDMA mobile phone operator, sold its products to end customers.

G66220 is a phone that offers music features, games, chat, and social networking. The phone is available in blue color and dodge tangerines. The phone is equipped with Bluetooth 2.1 A2DP connection. G6620 is also equipped with high definition audio experience (hdaX) that lets consumers listen to music with a clear voice. This phone can be used for a GSM card which is also supported by the Java Support.

The launch of this product is incorporated in a series of roadshows Huawei Device in Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya on 27 August to 29 August. In Jakarta, Huawei roadshow took place at ITC Cempaka Mas. While in Bandung, the same event was held in Bandung Electronic Center and in Surabaya is located in Plaza Marina.

Mike Liu, Country Director of Huawei Terminals, said the launch of a music phone it shows the seriousness of Huawei's work on the mobile market in Indonesia. To date Huawei has been serving 45 of 50 major operators worldwide. As for Huawei's mobile phone users have more than 1 million subscribers.

Mike's view, most of these mobile users is an energetic young man and put an interesting feature. That's why Huawei launch in a series of roadshows this G66220. "Consumers can hunt Huawei cell phone with attractive price," said Mike in KONTAN release received Monday (30 / 8).

In addition, each buyer a chance to get Groovy G6620 Huawei Mobile for free with how to follow the game Call to Win. In addition, Huawei also held an auction phone. In this event, consumers can bid competitively priced G66220.

HP Sony Ericsson Vivaz Series

Sony Ericsson Indonesia seems very menunggulkan Vivaz series. One fact is the enrichment and improvement of its features. This September, a new user interface provided in series with Symbian 60 operating system this. The interface called Spb Mobile Shell allows a user to operate the phone more quickly and of course the display screen to be more cheerful. In addition, the response is also faster, so users do not experience lag when switching one of the features, such as the camera.

"Spb Mobile Shell can be adjusted (with the user desires, RED) and allows users to enjoy an optimal experience of the series Sony Ericsson Vivaz and Vivaz Pro," said Sebastian-Justus Schmidt, CEO of Spb Software that various applications have a lot of people use it.

The advantage of this application, among others;-like called Schmidt-users are free to make the display screen, even including a 3D view is impressive Carousel. Then the menus and icons that appear on the main screen is very easy to the touch, responsive, and not just the desktop screen lag.Tentu more varied. You also can manage the menu by using the widgets, like organizing the menu options in a single cluster. And, access to other menus faster.


Nokia Indonesia has officially been sold N8 series has been waiting for it in the Indonesian market. The phone is the first series that uses Symbian OS ^ 3 is sold for Rp 4.95 million. As ever we submit, that this series is the smart phones that rely on many things. Some among the 8 MP camera that uses Carl Zeiss optics and Xenon flash. Video recording capabilities have been equivalent to high definition and digital quality audio plus Dolby surround sound.

At the time of the demo phones in Singapore in June last, we have seen how this series is like a video player that combines the quality of moving pictures and audio are stunning. Even to be connected to your home theater.

In Indonesia, its features have been available WebTV access to OkezoneTV featuring a variety of programs such as news and entertainment. Also a variety of applications that can be downloaded through OVI Store.

Other interesting news, Comes With Music program that was mentioned will be eliminated to be OVI Music, it turns out in this series are still available. This means that users have the opportunity to download music as many of the millions of local and international songs available for free.

Telkomsel subscribers or purchasers for bundling packages with Telkomsel, you will obtain the data packet data packet menarik.Misalnya plan weekly plan of Rp 50,000, - and monthly data packages amounting to Rp 120,000, - to venture into the OVI and other websites with no limits.

However, for while the new Nokia Indonesia sell this series via online, through a special Citibank.Atau card customers can also pass and For this early bird will get a bonus of bluetooth stereo handsfree Nokia BH-504 and HDMI cable plus adapter Nokia. Nokia promised to dispatch goods directly to consumers.

Please note that online purchasing is closed until October 10, 2010

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