Healthy Remedy for Andropause

Andropause is a phenomenon of decline in health in men as menopause in women. When menopause is marked by cessation of menstruation, andropause is not known the signs. Even so, rapid fatigue and decreased arousal in men aged 40 upwards can be read as one sign.

Andropause usually affects the lives of men aged 40-60 years. Unlike menopause, which is marked by cessation of menstruation, the unknown man entered the phase of andropause symptoms.

From the various existing literature, the symptoms of andropause may be summarized as follows: decrease in testosterone levels, decreased arousal, get tired, lose energy, and decreased libido and physical strength.

Why andropause appear?

According to Ir. Luke Tersono Adi, herbalist from Herbacure Center, Bintaro, Tangerang, andropause is a phenomenon experienced by every man's health.

Testosterone levels in men reached a peak (100 percent), at around age 20. At the age of 80 years only about 20-50 per cent. Decrease in average every year about 2 percent. Normal levels of testosterone in the blood is 500-1100 mg / ml.

According to Luke, there are several factors that influence the decline in testosterone levels, namely the pattern of life (lack of exercise, smoking, stress), diet (alcohol, cholesterol), pollution, obesity (overweight), and the wrong treatment.

Many a man claims to be experiencing andropause syndrome. "The signs restlessness, irritability, rapid fatigue, depression, decreased libido, memory, concentration, and passion," said Luke.

Therapy can be done to relieve andropause syndrome, are:

1. Medical Medical: Injection of testosterone, Gel hormone, hormone implant (must be under the supervision of a doctor).

2. Herbs / herbal medicine:
- Reconstructive, improve liver, nerves (including memory), and blood circulation.
- Increasing the power (stamina), immune system, and improve hormonal system.

3. Psychological / psychiatric:
- Train and encourage sufferers to enhance confidence in her abilities.
- Create an environment that supports the creation of self-confidence.

In particular, using herbal treatment aimed at improving sexual function disorders. Another goal, namely to increase the hormone androgen, overcome fatigue, and increase stamina and vitality.

Here are two recipes herb concoction Andropause andropause from Luke Tersono Adi:

1. Potions andropause I (increasing the hormonal system)

¥ pegs earth: to treat male sexual issues, nutritious facilitate blood flow and stimulate spending androgen hormones.
¥ Purwaceng: efficacious increase libido, improve sperm quality, and as a tonic.
¥ Chili java: give a warm effect on the body, refresh, and improve the vitality of the body.

How to use and drinking rules: Prepare 2 g bark earth pegs, 5 g purwaceng, and 0.5 grams of chili Java. Boiled with 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup, use a small fire. Let stand, drink 2 times a day each _ cup. For the restoring stamina and increase vitality of body, drink 1 cup a day. Do it until the body feels fresh.

2. Andropause Potion II (reproductive health)

¥ Keji beling: effective way to deal with complaints in male reproductive organs such as the prostate.
¥ Mustache cat: as anti-inflammatory (swelling) and peluruh urine (diuretic).
¥ rhizome of turmeric: stimulate the gall bladder wall to increase the secretion of bile which plays a role in fat digestion.

How to use and drinking rules: Prepare 5 g leaf cat whiskers, 2 g leaves nasty shard, and 10 grams of turmeric kitchen. Boil 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup, use a small fire. Allow to cool, drink 3 times.

According to Luke, the above ingredients can be combined with a drink made from basic ingredients, ie, red ginger, fennel, Centella asiatica, or red galangal. Usefulness repair the nervous system, controls the levels of blood fats, and improve liver health.

Good luck!

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